Looks like the start of another great week. Most of you are completing those lessons on time and earning great grades. For those of you who are still behind on your assignments, there is no time like TODAY to double up on those assignments. Did you know we have only 10 weeks left in class?
Check your grades: you can see them at a glance by checking "My Progress" on the Course Home page or clicking on the "Grades Tab" of your home page. If you see any zeroes, turn those assignments in right away. Those zeroes won't look good on progress reports!
Assignments for Week 6 are a continuation of the numeric keyboarding lessons. Practice those keyboarding techniques we studied and move to the next level of speed and accuracy. Practice until you get no more than 3 errors on your lessons. The proper techniques are even more important with the number keys. Moving off home row with your entire hand to strike a number will probably result in errors when you key the next alphabetic letters.
With all the practice on your computers, I know they are getting dusty and dirty. Here is a short video on cleaning a laptop. It is so important to keep them clear of dust and grime. Who wants to pay for another computer when all yours needs is a little attention to details like cleaning?
Here is the direct link to the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWwejCKVGOY
Other Notes
I am in South MS this week. You may call me at 601.876.6855 (home) or 601.810.4923 (cell) during office hours. You may text or email me at any time. If you have not taken your Oral text for Module 1, review your notes and call me during office hours. Your grade depends on it!
week 6's lesson was a little difficult to me, but if you keep up the hard work then you will get through it